From Eyebeam: Our Awards

April 12, 2016, 00:00

Since its founding in 1997, Eyebeam has actively provided total support for people that critically reflect and constructively engage with emerging technology. Every year, to commemorate that history, the organization grants two Eyebeam Awards in the Annual Benefit to people who have shown exemplary creativity and courage in art and technology. Nominating field-defining practitioners for the award is a special privilege of alums, and the award is designed by alum collaborative MSHR, with the assistance of Shapeways. The Annual Eyebeam Award for Creativity and Courage is given to those who have developed impactful work, tools, processes, or strategies in relation to Eyebeam's core values:


 the generous spirit of collaboration;


 original thinking and creative making;


righting structural wrongs.  


Thenmozhi Soundararajan Zachary Lieberman


Barbara London Not An Alternative


: Ayah Bdeir, open hardware advocate, littleBits founder Trevor Paglen, critical geographer and acclaimed artist Prototype Award Design: Lilian Kreutzberger Past selection committee has included: Mouna Andraos (Chair) Lisa Dent Allyson Kapin Trevor Paglen
Last updated: 17.05.2022
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