Youth Drop-In Program: January 2010
January: Digital Image Manipulation with Eyebeam Intern Patrick Davison
Talking to someone on the internet? Want to seem cool? Want to photoshop their head onto that of a celebrity? Well - the digital savvy know how to do that, but the REALLY digital savvy know that Photoshop's not the only way. The world of digital image manipulation is too often seen as a one-horse race, but it doesn't have to be that way. GIMP is the premiere, super-fantastic FREE SOFTWARE tool for photo retouching, digital image creation, and cover-for-the-CD-me-and-my-friends-made-in-my-basement making. Come get an introduction to both at once, learning the strengths and weaknesses of both as you make your Facebook photos look better, and your friends be more jealous of your skillz. With a "z."