Think Tank the Think Tank (with Ghana Think Tank)




Since 2006, The Ghana Think Tank has been "Developing the First World." Problems collected in the UK and US are sent to a growing network of think tanks in Ghana, Cuba, El Salvador, Mexico, Serbia and Iran. These "Third" World think tanks propose solutions, which are enacted back in the problem-communities, whether the solutions strike us as brilliant or improbable. On July 8, we invite the general public, and a group of US thinkers and do-ers, to Think Tank the Think Tanks, analyzing the solutions produced so far, brainstorming ways to implement those solutions, and generally examining the Ghana Think Tank process. Refreshments will be provided. The Ghana Think Tank is Christopher Robbins, John Ewing, and Carmen Montoya. For more information
Projects: Ghana Think Tank People: Christopher RobbinsJohn EwingMaria Del Carmen Montoya Research: Education Tags: PARTICIPATION SS2010, Re:Group, SS2010
Last updated: 12.07.2022
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