SADbot: closing reception
Moderated by Dustyn Roberts, Eyebeam
Disscussants: Bre Pettis, MakerBot; Giana González, Hacking Couture; Becky Stern, CRAFT and MAKE Magazines, Sternlab
Using Re:Group exhibited projects MakerBot and Hacking Couture as a point of departure, Open Retailwill explore the intersection between the engineering and fashion industries, and the ways in which open source practices are influencing them both. Eyebeam resident artist Dustyn Roberts (engineer and author of the forthcoming book, Making Things Move) will moderate a discussion with Bre Pettis (MakerBot), Giana González (Hacking Couture), and Becky Stern (associate editor for CRAFT and MAKE Magazines, founder of Sternlab), which will consider how newly emerging open hardware licenses might help spur innovation and counteract draconian patent laws, while also building sustainable business practices. Conversely, the lack of copyright in fashion has resulted in an industry focused on branding and closely guarded trade secrets. But how might the absense of copyright (or conversely, open licensing) be turned into a strength rather than a liability in product development?
Please note: Open Retail will be preceded by a closing reception for Dustyn Roberts and Ben Leduc-Mills' Window Gallery exhibition, SADbot, from 6-7:30PM.
If you can't make it, this, and all other Summer School @ Night events will be livestreamed here: and posted online later this summer.
Projects: Hacking Couture, MakerBot
People: Becky Stern, Bre Pettis, Dustyn Roberts, Giana Gonzalez, MakerBot Industries
Research: Education
Tags: openhardware, Re:Group, SS2010, SS@N2010