Re:Group VIP Private View
VIP Private View
Celebrating the exhibition, RE:GROUP: Beyond Models of Consensus
Guest of Honor:
Clay Shirky
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
540 West 21st
New York City
Ticketed event
6:30-7:30 p.m. Artist Talk, Private Viewing & Reception
7:30-9:30 p.m. Private Viewing & Reception, Live Music by Bennett4Senate
Go here to view additional information about RE:GROUP.
Jed Alpert, Sarah Basile, Ayah Bdeir, Felicitas Brant, Diana Campbell, Gabriella Coleman, Dr. Sarah Cook, Jeff Crouse, Cena Jackson, Steve Lambert, Michael Mandiberg, Amanda McDonald Crowley, Dalia Oberlander, Tatiana Platt, Bettina Prentice, Anastasia Rogers, Douglas Rushkoff, Marc & Sara Schiller, Kyle Shannon, Tim Shey, Courtney Smith, Elizabeth Stark.
Giana González - Hacking Couture
John Hawke – Mandatory Minimum: We Have Moved!
The Institute for Infinitely Small Things – Corporate Commands
Aaron Koblin and Takashi Kawashima –Ten Thousand Cents
Steve Lambert and Packard Jennings - Wish You Were Here: Postcards from our awesome future
MakerBot Industries – MakerBot
Christopher Robbins – Work Projects Administration 2010
Christopher Robbins, John Ewing, and Carmen Montoya - Ghana Think Tank
Evan Roth and Ben Engebreth - White Glove Tracking
Ushahidi - Crisis Map of Haiti
Ubermorgen – [V]ote-Auction
The Yes Men – Good Cop 15
YoHa (Harwood, Yokokoji) – Social Telephony Files
Paul Amitai, Marco Deseriis, Beka Economopoulos, Jason Jones, Stephanie Pereira, and Mushon Zer-Aviv
Eyebeam is an art and technology center that provides a fertile context and state-of-the-art tools for digital research and experimentation. It is a lively incubator of creativity and thought, where artists and technologists actively engage with culture, addressing the issues and concerns of our time. Eyebeam challenges convention, celebrates the hack, educates the next generation, encourages collaboration, freely offers its contributions to the community, and invites the public to share in a spirit of openness: open source, open content and open distribution.
Projects: Corporate Commands, Crisis Map of Haiti, Ghana Think Tank, Good Cop 15, Hacking Couture, MakerBot
, Mandatory Minimum
, Ten Thousand Cents, Vote-Auction, White Glove Tracking, Wish You Were Here: Postcards from our awesome future, WPA 2010
People: Aaron Koblin, Amanda McDonald Crowley, Anastasia Rogers, Ayah Bdeir, Beka Economopoulos, Ben Engebreth, Bettina Prentice, Cena Jackson, Christopher Robbins, Clay Shirky, Courtney Smith, Dalia Oberlander, Diana Campbell, Douglas Rushkoff, Elizabeth Stark, Evan Roth, Felicitas Brant, Gabriella Coleman, Ghana Think Tank, Giana Gonzalez, Graham Harwood, Jason Jones, Jed Alpert, Jeff Crouse, John Ewing, John Hawke, Kyle Shannon, Marc Schiller, Marco Deseriis, Maria Del Carmen Montoya, Matsuko Yokokoji, Michael Mandiberg, Mushon Zer-Aviv, Packard Jennings, Paul Amitai, Richard Wright, Sara Schiller, Sarah Basile, Sarah Cook, Steve Lambert, Takashi Kawashima, Tatiana Platt, The Institute for Infinitely Small Things, The Yes Men, Tim Shey, Ubermorgen
Ticketed event