Interference Closing Reception

Join us for the Interference Closing Reception! 4–5PM: Techno Dumpster Dive Techniques and Demonstration A discussion and demonstration of dumpster diving techniques by a representative from freegans, with an assignment for those present to go out into the streets to collect “abandoned technology” over the upcoming weeks for future Eyebeam workshops such as the Holiday Hackshop (December 1) and the Free Media workshop (February 16). This will be followed by performance/demonstration of the Edible Excess Machine. 5–7PM: Demo, Discussion and Drinks Join us for drinks and demonstrations of Yury Gitman’s Magicbike, and the Grafitti Research Lab’s Mobile Broadcast Unit with L.A.S.E.R. Tag, which we will take out onto West 21st Street.
Last updated: 12.07.2022
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