Climate for Change Youth Exchange

Partner Organizations:
On Thursday, May 7th 2009, 15 Loughlin students in Brooklyn had a video-conference call via Skype with students from St. Francis Assisi Academy in Liverpool, England. The purpose of the call was to share thoughts about global warming. St. Francis is also a Lasallian school and the conversation was part of a community project they did called Climate for Change. The call was set up by Emma Lloyd of Eyebeam. The students of St. Francis told us a bit about their school which was designed and built to be eco-friendly. One of the main features that astonished the Loughlin students was the collection of rain water to flush toilets. The conversation went with each school talking about things they do for the environment and what they thought about global warming, and how they commute to school. The conversation wasn’t all about the environment and global warming. There were ideas exchanged about the election of President Obama and favorite school subjects. The connection ended with each school singing a song for the other. Check out the Loughlin Xperience video about this teleconference
Last updated: 12.07.2022
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